First Step : Our Launch
Its been such a long journey of The Leather Chef in making as we had a lot of work and things to be done, from product line to product photography and from Leather cutting to completion of a product. We had a deadline in mind to launch the website as to keep everything intact while marking all our checklist. But there was always something we missed it out. Regularly, we had a lot of discussion over the roadmap, pricing, packaging and more on the product craftsmanship.
As we had very limited resources, our work was on the brink and it was about to hit the deadline. But after putting all our hard work and potential, the most awaited day came when we were ready to launch our Brand.
We have decided to launch our website on 15th August as a small contribution towards Indian Craftsmanship. This is a little step for promoting Indian Handmade Leather Goods.
This journey is going to come out from our small workshop and ready to showcase the world an art of Handmade Leather Craft.
Our launch is the perfect time to share some of our stories about handmade leather goods. Each collection and product is created using finest leather, and designed exclusively for you. Focusing on the craftsmanship and giving value to the products, we are totally different from the rest of the brands. Most of the brands are using the term HANDICRAFT for their products but the reality is totally different as hand operated machines are actually performing the job for them.
We are here to promote Indian Handmade Leather Goods. We do everything with hands from leather cutting to Hand stitching. We try avoiding machines and chemicals as much as we can.
Our products are unique in terms of quality and craftsmanship and we are hoping to offer more and more unique products as we get bigger and better.
We just want to thank everyone who has supported us in our journey and we cant wait to share our products, ideas, and the process with you all. Stay updated on our upcoming news and events here, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Thank you!